55 Best Quotes from Maybe You Should Give Up

By Bhavishya Oct 24, 2023
Maybe you should give up

When I read the title of the book for the first time I thought it would be a sad story but this piece of art by Byron Morrison blew my mind.

Probably this is one of those books that I would re-read in the future. Now, let’s see the best quotes from this book.


  1. The Hardest part of any journey is getting started.
  2. Two belief boulders you must give up on: the belief that you can’t control your life enough to change it and the belief that changing life is too scary to do it.
  3. At any point in life, you can make a decision to give up tolerating and accepting that this is how life has to be.
  4. You need to give up the idea that your life is happening to you and instead embrace the fact that you are in control of your life.
  5. When you are governed by your emotions and reactions, you block yourself from making the right decisions, taking the right actions, or showing up as the best version of yourself.
  6. Anger makes you feel like you’re making a difference in your outcomes because you feel like you’re doing something- even though you’re not.
  7. It is important to recognize that there is a huge difference between a reaction and a response. While a response is thoughtful, a reaction is impulsive. Breaking the cycle is all about slowing down, processing the situation, and understanding what is going on so that you can then choose how to respond it.
  8. Never forget that your past doesn’t have to define your future unless you let it.
  9. You are never going to be in control of what’s going on around you, but the one thing you can always control is how you choose to respond to it.
  10. If you want to stop allowing life to happen to you and instead feel in control, then you have to be totally at cause for the majority of the time.
  11. You and you alone are responsible for creating results in your life.
  12. Forcing you to slow down will allow you to detach yourself from the situation.
  13. You have to choose how you respond to any given situation. Even though it may not feel like it, the way you feel and react is always completely under your control.
  14. Reflections are your greatest opportunity to start building momentum and taking control.
  15. Always remember that every mistake is only a bad thing if you keep repeating it.
  16. After reactivity, the biggest thing that stops people from living the lives they want is fear.
  17. Fear reinforces all of the mental barriers in your head, creating stories that cause you to procrastinate, overthink, and doubt yourself, which in turn stops you from doing the things you know you should be doing to live or create the life you want.
  18. If you find yourself thinking that things will never work, that you’re not good enough, that you’re not ready, or questioning what if it all goes wrong, you’re probably afraid of failure.
  19. If you’re not taking action because you’re worried you’ll feel get fired, laughed at, mocked, excluded, shut down, judged, criticized, trolled, hated, or simply told no, then you’ve got some fear of rejection and/or judgment to deal with.
  20. Failure is a stepping stone towards finally getting it right.
  21. Breaking through a fear of failure is less about preventing a potential failure and more about realizing that any potential failure won’t be as awful as you think.
  22. When you view failure and setbacks as simply stepping stones preparing you to succeed, you can take those experiences and use them to learn and grow.
  23. When someone tears you down, it’s a reflection of their own pain and inadequacy.
  24. Video games taught me one thing, it’s that when you encounter enemies, you are moving in the right direction.
  25. The thing to remember about fear is that it’s nothing more than a story.
  26. Whatever fear is currently holding you back, you can break the hold it has over you right now by taking action.
  27. Reactiveness and fear had to be the first two states of mind to give up on- partially because they’re the two biggest and heaviest rocks in your backpack.
  28. The small decisions you make today can and will impact your future for years to come.
  29. Shift your focus to what you will gain in the future by making the harder or less pleasant decisions in the present.
  30. Stopping to take a moment to think through what you’re facing and putting the situation into perspective may be exactly what you need to realign yourself with what you are doing and why.
  31. A good rule to live by is to always push yourself towards facing the painful action rather than the comfortable one.
  32. If you want to live a life that others never will, then you have to be willing to take the actions others won’t.
  33. Think ahead to a future point in time when you have achieved your goals, and figure out what that version of you would have done to make them a reality. Then use that clarity to push yourself to take that action.
  34. Unless you become completely numb to the world around you, you’re probably never going to be able to fully stop worrying about your potential future problems.
  35. You are never going to get to where you want to be. As soon as you get close to it, the goalpost will move and you will start pushing towards the next level, the next goal, the next milestone.
  36. Use the present as your path to the future rather than just staring into the future as the present slips by.
  37. Life is a journey not a race. And along the way, not everything will always go according to plan.
  38. Happiness and fulfillment don’t come from the end result somewhere in the future. Instead, they come from the journey, and the journey takes place in the present.
  39. If you want to find joy in your achievements and appreciate the journey, then you have to give up on fixating on the future.
  40. The reality is that people only show you what they want you to see. This means you’re essentially comparing your full life to someone else’s highlight reel.
  41. When you compare your life with others; often you’ll build up stories in your head convincing yourself that you want something that you actually don’t.
  42. If you spend your days comparing yourself to those in front of you, it’ll always feel like you’re behind.
  43. If you don’t know what you want, there’s a good chance you haven’t put yourself in enough situations to figure it out or that you might have grown too comfortable in your current reality.
  44. You can either live your life worrying about everyone else, or you can give up caring and start living for yourself. You can’t have it both ways.
  45. You need to remember is that you can’t change the past, and no amount of beating yourself up is going to undo what you did or didn’t do.
  46. Many people think being a perfectionist is a good thing, when in reality, it’s the very thing stopping them from reaching their goals.
  47. When you realize that the progress you’ve made and the challenges you’ve overcome don’t have anything to do with who you are, it becomes so much easier to view your journey for what it is.
  48. When you’re crystal clear on who you are and what matters to you, what other people think stops mattering as much.
  49. Setbacks simply show that you’re making progress, as you’re putting yourself in situations where you can evolve.
  50. Every time you want to be happy, you find another reason no to be,  and another, and another after that, leaving you stuck in a vicious cycle where essentially you’re delaying your happiness indefinitely. So no matter how happy you want to be, you never actually fell that joy.
  51. When you make you happiness depend on reaching a goal, you are putting it off indefinitely.
  52. Happiness is being the best version of yourself that you can be right now.
  53. Neglecting yourself actually makes it harder to deal with the never-ending problems that life throws your way.
  54. Even though it may feel uncomfortable or go against every fiber of your being, you need to practice putting yourself first at least some of the time.
  55. The reality is that you are never more than one decision away from a completely different life.

By Bhavishya

I, as the founder of Non-Fictional books am a passionate advocate for non-fictional literature. With a degree in hand and a love for reading and writing about real-life narratives, my goal is to make non-fictional books accessible to all. Through my platform, I aim to ignite curiosity, inspire learning, and foster a community of avid readers. Join me on my mission to spread the joy of non-fictional storytelling and make a lasting impact in the world of literature.

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