Non-fiction drama books

By Bhavishya Feb 10, 2024
Non Fiction Drama Books

NonFiction Drama Books are one of the most written, most read, and most sold genres in the world of books. But when I say Drama, it is very obvious that you would be thinking about fictional stories. Are there drama novels in no fiction? Definitely yes. 


When you read a book that has a story happening, a little serious and narrative, then it’s called Drama. But Drama doesn’t always need to be fiction. There are hundreds of non fiction books that come under the genre of Drama. Some of the best and must-read ones are as follows. 


Let me start this list, and hopefully, at the end of this article, you’ll get a fine nonfiction drama book to start from. 

List of Top 7 NonFiction Drama Books

The executioner's song by Norman Mailer

The Executioner's Song by Norman Mailer

“The Executioner’s Song” by Norman Mailer is one of the best nonfiction drama books depicting true crime and mystery. The main character in this novel, Gray Gilmore, commits two murders in Utah in 1976. The story revolves around Normal Mailer’s journalistic investigations of this crime among the family, friends, legal professionals, and everyone related to this event. This book could be called the in-depth case study of Gray Gilmore’s case in the most compelling way possible. 


The book comprises two parts, namely the Western Voices and the Eastern Voices, which are great to experience as a read than to summarize in an article. The multiple perspectives writing style of this novel makes it one of the best true crime books ever written.


Mailer has faced so much criticism after the release of this novel because of his soft side point of view towards Gray Gilmore, who has committed two brutal murders. But Mailer refuses this criticism by explaining that this novel was created to be an interesting record of this crime, pointing both sides of the story and not only to point out the crimes and nuances of Gilmore. This novel is more directly written than justified. If you’re starting with a nonfiction drama book, then this is a great choice to start from.

The immortal life of Henrietta by Rebecca Skloot

“The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot was published in the year 2010. This is a thought-provoking novel that relates science and biography. This book talks about the real-life events of Henrietta Lacks, who is unknowingly helping in scientific advancements and the medical industry revolution. 


In this book, the lead character, Henrietta Lacks, is a black woman who died due to cervical cancer in the year 1951. 


HeLa (Henrietta Lacks) cells are found to be scientifically outstanding. These cells can survive outside the human body and, thus, help scientific research and experiments. The researchers seem to have used her cells for different examinations like virology, cancer, and even genetics. 


The fact remains that all these processes are taken forward with the technical consent of the patients, which aroused many ethical questions from the public. In the meantime, a lot of information about her family and other background stories led to what she had become. 


Rebecca Skloot had already proved herself a great writer by breaking complex medical terms and procedures into easily understandable criteria, which earned her many more audiences worldwide. Just like all other critically acclaimed writers, Skloot also had to go through a lot of criticism when the book was released. However, the sales of her book and the majority of reviews about the goodness of the books had already taken her name forward before these criticisms could touch her legacy. 


If you’re an ethical person interested in science and revolution, “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” is the best book you can start from.

Midnight in the garden of good and evil" by John Berendt

“Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” by John Berendt was published in 1994. This novel is known to have a very slim line dividing it from being fiction while reading it. It reads like a fiction when actually it is not. The story revolves around the trial of an antiques dealer who has been accused of having killed his lover, Danny Hansford. This case of Jim Williams, the antiques dealer, is immersively captured and written like a story by John Berendt. Even though the book is about true crime and mystery it also comes under the genre of southern gothic intrigue. 


The title of the book “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” represents the nature of the Savannah, which is said to be not only Charming and beautiful but also dark and mysterious on the other side. This book is stuffed with so many subplots and characters which enhances the quality of the narrative but also commented to be the only problem that any reader could have. It’s a little complex to understand and go with the flow for beginners, but if you like reading nonfiction drama and intense novels, then this book is a great choice.

In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

“In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote was written and published in 1966. This book is again a true crime book that comes under the genres of nonfiction and Drama. It revolves around the mystery of the murders of the Clutter family and the investigation of the culprits, their trials, and their executions. 


The book reveals all about the Clutter family and how and why two murders killed them. The foundation of this book is full of investigations and research about this family, the criminals, and the crime involving the statements and points of view of legal professionals, law enforcement, and everyone else around them. 


The book talks widely about the emotional and ethical mindset of both parties, as in the victims and the culprits. The book has double sides, which makes people wonder if there’s any difference between honest people and wrongdoers. 


This book barely makes it different from a fictional mystery because of the incredible narrative of the author, earning more praise from the readers and the critics. This could be one of those novels that carry the suspense till the very end. It’s a great read to start as a nonfiction drama book.

"The white tiger" by Aravind Adiga

“The White Tiger” by Aravind Adiga is an Indian nonfiction book published in 2008. The book strongly states the issue of class disparity. The book is well known for its strong and straight narrative. It’s well-praised for the same reason and has been awarded The Man Booker Prize, too. The main lead of the story, Balram Halwai, is an inspired male who works as a chauffeur in a village. Later, with dedication and hard work, he develops into an entrepreneur in Delhi. From his point of view, a whole book of social issues and motivational events has been narrated. 


There’s barely any social issue that’s left unaddressed by this novel. It talks about almost every partiality and disparity in India, even the rural and urban ones. This is such a critically acclaimed novel that has made the Indian standards very clear of intentions and aftermaths. 


It is said to have a hold on readers by the author’s impressive writing style and narrative. A well-written novel is listed here for you to get the best reading experience in non-fictional Drama.

“An era of darkness: the British Empire in India” by Shashi Tharoor

“An era of darkness the British Empire in India” by Shashi Tharoor

“An Era of Darkness: The British Empire in India” by Shashi Tharoor was published in 2016. The book talks about the impacts of British imperialism in India. More like it talks about the injustice and social disparities caused during the British colonial rule in India. 


The book talks about both the bad side and the good side of British imperialism. Stating that it did cause social and economic issues but also was responsible for the civilization and development of Indian standards. 


As the title of the book says, Tharoor talks about the nuances caused by British rulers. However, he was still criticized for having written the book one-sidedly according to Indians’ perspectives. A book that has uncovered the Indian evolution into what it is today, taken forward by a dark era, is such a powerful account of the unheard stories in the history of India. 


This could be one of the best nonfiction drama books to learn about the country as well. 

"Killers of the flower moon" by David Grann

Killers of the flower moon by David Grann

“Killers of the Flower Moon” by David Grann is an amazing nonfiction mystery novel that revolves around a dark period in America where two Indian murderers are involved in the killings. It’s a true crime novel that hooks a reader from the beginning to the very end. 


This novel is a well-researched well-researched and well-written well-written book of mysteries and thrilling plots of a real-life crime event. It is praised for the strong and courageous narrative written by the author. If you’re a person uninterested in fiction but still want to read drama books, then this is the best book you could choose.


All the above books mentioned in this blog of Non Fictional Books are best in their ways. These top 7 books that we thought every reader could enjoy are just a hunch of a vast list of nonfiction drama books. Pick one and start your reading journey as soon as possible. Have a great time reading more non-fiction books by Arundhati Roy.

By Bhavishya

I, as the founder of Non-Fictional books am a passionate advocate for non-fictional literature. With a degree in hand and a love for reading and writing about real-life narratives, my goal is to make non-fictional books accessible to all. Through my platform, I aim to ignite curiosity, inspire learning, and foster a community of avid readers. Join me on my mission to spread the joy of non-fictional storytelling and make a lasting impact in the world of literature.

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